Too Busy to Read This? You Probably Need To!
Nancy L. Seibel
Here's an excerpt and comments from a reader:
Being busy in itself is neither good nor bad. There’s “good busy” that supports well-being. Well-being can be described as positive functioning and positive feelings about our lives and ourselves. “Bad busy” (or busy-ness) leads to feeling overwhelmed, stuck, drained, or unhappy. It can result in poor functioning, illness and burnout... The take-control actions offered here can be done in time frames ranging from 5-60 minutes.
There’s a big pay-off for the time investment - reduced stress, a less cluttered schedule, and increased productivity and well-being.
Reading the article on being too busy gave me permission to clean my office one surface at a time. I now have 5 clean surfaces. Such a change that even my husband remarked how clean my desk looked! I have one more surface to go before tackling the shelves! Thank you Nancy!
--Linda Gillespie
117 KB
4 pages
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